website design and development

Leveraging JetEngine post types and taxonomies streamlined centralized content management and interrelationship building across site sections, allowing flexible yet cohesive architecting of dispersed content.

Bringing this company's aspirational vibrancy to life digitally meant carefully integrating visuals with content that authentically communicate their values. We built an elegant infrastructure through considered WordPress architecture using Elementor for modular template design.

Configuring over 15 customizable post types with JetEngine catered to managing specific multimedia modules at scale while Elementor’s dynamic templating enacted flexible content layout pairings, together enabling interweaving branded experiences through structured content patterns that provide continuity amidst complexity.

Taxonomies tie together post categories across templates, establishing coherence through shared attributes. This networking of relationships beneath the surface informs relevant content cueing while allowing projects with wide scope variety to feel part of a unified whole rather than fragmented.

The result is an on-brand ecosystem with people and priorities at its core, empowering consistency or calculated departure by governing content blocks via centralized data points that map connections through the nuanced language of tagging. Structure and spontaneity coexist through foresight preparation.


A key challenge to overcome was efficiently scaling 100+ customized charity alliance pages through dynamic templates capable of generating unique pages based on variable input parameters.

With each of these pages featuring interconnected content like blogs, photos, videos, and success stories, refreshing this media annually posed a tall order. Rather than manual updates across pages, All Import plugin's batch processing capabilities were leveraged to facilitate quick centralized refresh rolls. Configuring systematic import mapping and hooking into the page template allowed spinning up updated multimedia in minutes.